Friday 8 March 2024

LO2: Generating ideas


After hosting a focus group I found that audiences pay most attention to an album release as this leads them to look for concert tickets and then to clothing lines to where to the concerts. this is why I have chosen to create promotional material for an album release. 


This house style works well with the artist as she takes most of her inspiration from punk girl groups of the 1980s and early 90s. This is suitable for this use because this style will attract the correct audience for the artiste's music. After sending out images of my mood the audience's feedback said that overall it shows a seance of females in power as most women are going against what is expected of them. which aligns with what the artist wants to portray. 

Production plan:

Gantt chart:

Resources and personnel:

Congintce plans:
If plans have  to be cancelled to weather illness or other reason the event will be rescheduled form the following week or closest possible date. If the shoot is not possible to go ahead out doors than then the shoot will be moved to a studio where I can add in the nature elevate I want to include post-production. 

Legal and ethical considerations:

To make sure that I do not broke any laws I will research in to the areas that I wish I want to take photos and make sure that all model have sign contract to allow me to use their image. TO protect myself from copyright laws I will make sure that all ideas used are of my own and if I wish to use anyone else's I will gain permissions.
To stay ethical I will allow all models and my myself breaks so not to impact on our health this will include considerations for food and water. I will also not be using animals so don't need to take into account for them. 

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LO3: Graphic design principles used to meet the brief

  Concert ticket 1 I chose to use tradition serif font instead of more modern sand serif to create a junxatposion to the musical style of th...